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What Happens When We Break Our Center of Operations Command?

Hey, ladies, I recently read a post in a social media group where a subscriber described her experience with menopause transition.

Several affirmations piqued my interest, inspiring me to put down my ideas and share them with you.

Her post was somewhat encouraging, and I couldn’t be more proud of her for doing it.

Many women succumb to tricky menopause because they accept it silently, burying themselves in sadness and agony.

On the other side, some women choose to share their ideas, often coming from friends’ advice or even a google search and pushing them as a one-size-fits-all recommendation.

This beautiful lady stated in her post that she already knew what she needed to ask her doctor before going in. As a result, she was prepared to request… which might have left the health professional without an opportunity to utilize the ideal treatment approach. Most women would say when they’re ready to ask their doctors for HRT.

She had made her decision!

Additionally, here is her most interesting affirmation, and I quote:

“Before you say hormones are dangerous, that’s not true. The original research has been proven inaccurate.”

After I read this, I decided to share my opinion on the long-term consequences of HRT. I got here after years of study in the field, including the investigation of scientific evidence.

HRT is a short-term therapy for peri/postmenopausal symptoms with potential long-term drawbacks (Trusted Source). Unless there is an absolute need, such as in women with early menopause or therapy/surgery-induced menopause, HRT should be tailored to each person and reevaluated every so often to be sure the benefits still outweigh the risks.

Hormones and neurotransmitters, produced endogenously by specific organs and tissues, regulate most bodily functions.

Our bodies are ready to regulate the production of these chemicals to satisfy our body requirements.

We have a command operations center (COC) for this!

When menopause approaches, for example, our COC transmits a signal to reduce estrogen synthesis to prepare our body for the non-reproductive stage.

Yes, that will result in bodily reactions and symptoms…while our laboratory (read our body) takes the appropriate precautions to stimulate adaptation processes.

However, our adaptation systems may have been weakened due to our life experiences, exposures, and lifestyle choices… and this will only emphasize the severity of our symptoms.

We may think we can no longer control our lives and bodies and search for a solution.

And there it is! “Hormones!” I want hormones!”

In opposition to my COC command, I chose to give hormones to my body. Then, we break another mechanism set in stone by nature while pivoting those functions.

For example, when we take Progesterone, we give hormones to make enzymes required for the continuation of pregnancy when our ovaries have run out of eggs!

See what’s going on here? What is this intended for?

I mean that we override natural mechanisms by introducing hormones into our bodies.

Taking HRT may not be as dangerous if we look at the short-term results, especially if you suffer from severe symptoms…It becomes problematic when we continue to defy our COC orders persistently.

Are you willing to take that risk?

Give yourself time!

My crucial lesson: don’t shut off your body; listen to what it has to say, discover what was damaged due to previous COC regulations being broken throughout your life, and choose to mend, rewire, and reclaim your command.



  1. Post menopausal syndrome is a painful experience in women and hats off to the women who bear it. Me, being a male can only suggest and share not to rush for HRT and better give some time to observe your body. Try out alternate treatment before making up your mind for HRT.

    I will definitely share this useful article with my women friends and relatives.

    Thanks for writing this article.

    Best Regards,


    1. Hey Rohit, I appreciate it when men are aware of women’s struggles during their transition to menopause, as they can be a powerful source of support and encouragement. Thank you for sharing helpful information with some in your cycle. Here you can find useful links to my practice and many resources that might be crucial for any woman: Dr. Gala ‘s Linktree

  2. This is a very interesting text for all women. I am interested in everything about menopause in order to help women around me. This is one of those topics that are taboo and not commented on in society. However, I think that it should be talked about and awareness should be raised.

    1. Hi, Bojana! Thank you for your comment and interest in learning and supporting women around you. I also would love to say this should be a topic for all women, no matter their age. To give you an insight, we all begin our menopause transition as early as after our first menstrual cycle as we begin to deplete our eggs. Here are some other articles you can read and find helpful information for you and share with other women Dr. Gala Coaching Blog. If you want to explore how we support women, here are my links and resources: Linktree

  3. It is so amazing as a woman gets older how there are not only changes in her body but mentally how she goes through these changes. Where there are mood swings, there are happy days and sad days because of the chemical reaction. Thank God however that medical science understands this and has found ways to help to make it easy for women during this time of their lives.

    1. Thank you for your review of our post on menopause, Norman. It is great to see men interested in and supporting women during this stage of life. I hope this article contributed to informing you to approach ladies around you with compassion.

      Medical science has indeed come a long way in helping women through menopause, and we are grateful for all the progress that has been made. We hope that by raising awareness of these advances, more women will feel comfortable seeking help and support during this time in their lives.

  4. Thanks for sharing. What a very interesting post you got here on menopause and woman. This surely will help them understand menopause a lot more. As not many talk about such a interesting topic . All because it can be pretty sickening for some people. However it’s vital to talk about do thanks for writing because this is important for all woman out there. 

    1. Thank you for reading and sharing, Kiersty. We’re glad you found the post informative and that it will be helpful for other women. Thank you for your support of our blog!

  5. Thank you for bringing into focus an important issue and explaining it to possibly at least half of the world. All the women in their life get menopausal symptoms. It incurs hormonal imbalances in the body. However, the central command system is aware of it and typically handles it. Like me, I did not become a person needing HRT or taking any medication although I felt and saw the disruption of my monthly cycle and the less or sudden blood flow during the period which lost its monthly dates. It occurred mostly until it slopped after several months. 

    I try to eat healthily, do my regular exercises daily, and pray. I read more and equip my mind more to observe and experience.

    I will say, GRT should be your last resort to tap on if everything fails for your menopause-related severity. Educate your partner to be aware of it if he is not. That helps a lot.

    1. Hello, Anusuya! Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m glad you were one of the lucky ones that did not suffer severe symptoms. Thank you for your insightful review. It’s great to see that our blog post resonated with you and that you found it informative. We’re passionate about educating our readers on all things menopause and are glad that we could do so in a way that was relatable and easy to understand.

      We agree that HRT should be the last resort for those experiencing severe symptoms related to menopause. There are many ways to manage the transition, and we hope that our readers will find the approach that works best for them.

      Thank you again for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on our blog post. We appreciate it! 

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