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Hi ladies! I bet you’re thinking, “why is this woman writing a post about menopause?” Well, it’s because I’m not just any woman. I am your sister in the journey of life, and we should pause and talk now and then. This article will share some tips that helped me naturally out beat some of the most annoying perimenopause symptoms.

What is Menopause?

Maybe I need to be more precise in the title of this post. Menopause is when women stop menstruating, which can happen in their 40s and 50s (or earlier). It’s not just about getting older; it has its own symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction. It’s also not something we should talk about with our friends but instead get educated on so you understand what to expect from menopause before it happens to you. “Jane can’t believe she is 47, and all these hot flashes are killing her. Even the simplest tasks seem like a chore. She’s starting to feel lost; what does it mean to be in your midlife? What about her life now that She has three kids who all pretty much leave home? It seems like everything is changing for Jane, but not necessarily for the better. She knows one thing for sure: this isn’t how she thought things would turn out. ” Jane’s menopausal experiences and symptoms may sound familiar to you too. During our transition to menopause, women may have different outward signs, but it affects every female on earth. Symptoms range from hot flashes, insomnia, irregular periods (or complete lack of them), night sweats or cold spells during sleep; vaginal dryness – even no longer being able to enjoy sex with your partner due to pain; mood swings you never experienced before – feeling depressed about things that don’t usually make us sad such as getting older and not fitting into some jeans anymore because they’re too tight. Here is a video with more information about perimenopause and menopause.

What can I do to get better?

Although menopause is a life stage and not an illness that medicine can cure, the symptoms of this period definitely affect our quality of life. Natural treatment options exist to help alleviate these symptoms, which will vary between each person. I recommend reading about all-natural remedies before choosing one because they are pretty varied as there isn’t really such thing as “one size fits all.” Some people seek medical attention, while others prefer holistic methods for alleviating their discomfort from hot flashes or insomnia during this time in their lives.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)

A treatment known as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) uses hormones identical to those naturally produced by your body. This type of HRT is also called natural hormone therapy and can help with various symptoms, including low libido or vaginal dryness after menopause. I recommend you to learn more about bioidentical hormone therapy from this article – Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on May 15, 2021.

Changes in lifestyle

The decisions you make have an impact on the way you feel. For example, smokers have lower estrogen levels than non-smokers and are more likely to experience hot flashes more often than non-smokers. And smoking dramatically increases the risk of bone loss and fractures. If you currently smoke, get the help you need to QUIT! If you notice certain foods or drinks trigger episodes, try to avoid them. Caffeine tolerance can vary from woman to woman, so if you know, you’re sensitive or cannot detoxify caffeine efficiently, consider cutting it out of your diet. It’s something worth considering. Hot and spicy foods may also mimic hot flashes by raising core body temperature; in some cases, they make people sweat as well! Suppose this happens for a few days each month at least. In that case, these foods could lead to swings; thus, increasing perimenopause/menopause symptoms like night sweats and menopausal mood changes. Instead of thinking about our bodies as fixed entities, we should look at them like machines that we must constantly maintain. Eating habits, exercise, and other health routines are all methods that help us keep this healthy living machine.


Working out can also help ease menopause symptoms. Strength training has been shown reduced headaches and hot flashes by 50%. Multiple studies agree on this finding, suggesting exercise’s mental and physical benefits in relieving other common health problems associated with menopause. Exercise boost self-esteem while making you feel less stressed about life changes during what we call ‘the change.’


Vitamin D The sun is our natural way to get vitamin D, but it becomes less efficient as we age. Therefore, dietary supplements help us maintain healthy bones and reduce the risk of several health issues like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart attacks, asthma, diabetes mellitus type 2, and strokes. Magnesium Magnesium- another “must-have” for healthy bones. Magnesium is one of the 13 minerals that bones need to stay strong and functional every day. But do you know the surprising link between magnesium and menopause? Magnesium supplements can reduce the frequency of hot flashes. And with that, all the other symptoms that hot flashes can trigger, like fatigue, sweating, and distress. Calcium Calcium is the most “common” mineral folks mention when it comes to bone health. And it’s even more critical when we’re talking about menopause. Due to the decrease in estrogen, we also experience a reduction in our ability to absorb, use efficiently, and retain calcium during menopause. Loss of estrogen decreases the body’s ability to absorb calcium from our diet. That’s why calcium supplementation (preferably plant-based) is always advised as we age to ensure optimal amounts of calcium. And in addition to being a catalyst for strong, healthy bones, calcium can also positively affect other unrelated conditions, such as high blood pressure, colorectal cancer, obesity, and kidney stone formation.


This article has given you some of the most common perimenopause symptoms and how to manage them. We hope this information helps you find relief from your menopausal symptoms, but if they are too much for one person to handle, Dr. Gala Fabulous ©WoMen’s program offers a holistic approach that can help with all of these issues plus more! If you want even more insight into what it’s like living through the changes in hormones during menopause, book an appointment today or call us at (281) 675-5477.  


  1. Thankyou for this article, it is going to help a lot of ladies. My wife has recently been thinking that she may be going through menopause and she is worried about it. I mentioned that she should probably just go to her doctor with her concerns, but she just doesn’t want to. I will send her this link, I think she will get a lot out of it. 

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write a review, and I’m glad our article was helpful.

      I wanted to take this opportunity to mention that we have many more resources available on our website, including an entire section for women going through menopause. We also offer a free online course with information, tips, and tools to help you get started. If your wife is interested in learning more about the process of menopause, these are great places for her to start!

  2. Hi there, as a woman who is now in her early sixties and post menopause, I can relate to so much in your post, specially night sweats and feeling sad about so many things. I completely went off coffee, just couldn’t metabolize the caffeine, but I never made the connection with menopause. 

    I am very pleased to see the supplements that you list as I do take a calcium supplement, with magnesium and zinc added to it, as well as fish liver oil which is high in Vit. D. Do you think this is suffient though or should I also look at a hormone replacement? Thanks

    1. Hi LineCowley,

      Thank you for reading our post and taking the time to leave such a thoughtful message. We’re so glad that you found it helpful!

      As we mention in the article, many things can contribute to night sweats and feelings of sadness, including menopause. Hormone replacement therapy is an option that may be right for some women but not all. The most important thing is to find what works best for your body and your lifestyle – this might mean trying out different supplements or therapies until you find one that helps alleviate these symptoms. Our goal with this blog was to share information about the inherent benefits of holistic management of a midlife crisis and other options available when dealing with peri-menopausal symptoms (like increased exercise, mindfulness, changing nutritional habits). 

      If you want someone to talk with about your symptoms, please reach out at any time. 

      Best wishes on your journey through menopause!


  3. I found the post very interesting. Always wondered how woman go through menopause and how it impacts everyone around them. Sounds like a big impact. But I like there is ways to handle it as you listed here and you confirmed that it is different for each woman. I will share this with my loved ones. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for reading our post, Bernard. I’m glad to hear that you found it interesting and informative!

      Menopause can indeed have a big impact on both the woman going through it and those around her–and we’re so happy to be able to provide some resources for both parties. If there is anything else we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 

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