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The ketogenic diet is a revolutionary diet that promises more substantial health and optimal performance by eating a high-fat, low carbohydrate diet.

Even if you already started with the keto diet, observe the following checklist to tune-up.

Before you give this one a try, there are some essential things to keep in mind:

Patience. Achieving a state of ketosis can take time. When you follow a keto diet correctly, it will likely take close to a week for your body to enter a state of ketosis. Be diligent and patient with your progress. Look for your tongue to start turning white when you’re about to enter ketosis.

Be ready for the keto flu. The main switch will occur when you pass the keto flu, which is a state of feeling sick and nauseous as your body and brain switch from using glycogen or blood glucose to ketones as fuel. This process is normal and will pass.

Consume healthy fats. Just because you’re on a high-fat diet doesn’t mean that you should eat a bunch of high-fat fast food options. Keep your intake of fats to healthy and natural fats like fish and plant sources.

Eat carbs rich in fiber. Mistakenly, some keto users toss away carbs altogether. Instead, consume vegetables containing a high amount of fiber, which will lower your net carb intake and strengthen your health.

Abstain from sugar. This is the most significant component. The moment you go back onto sugar, you’ll experience yo-yo diet symptoms. If you’re committed to a keto diet, you need to stay off sugar (as most people should anyway).

Meat and poultry. On a keto diet, the more natural the cut, the better. Find a good butcher and get excellent cuts of meat with an excellent dietary fat source and aren’t combined into a burger or sausage with salt and other chemicals.

Meat and Nuts – Power Builders for Your Body – Staples in the Keto Diet

It’s effortless to fall into the usual schedule of eating processed foods from the local fast food joint or your favorite restaurant down the street. Yes, this food tastes great – but how healthy is it for you?

Unfortunately, too many days of filling up on junk food will eventually negatively affect your health (and weight). As they say – junk in, junk out.

Realizing this, many people today are becoming more health-conscious. However, in their zeal to get rid of excess weight and eat more nutritiously, they often make the mistake of cutting out essential nutrients, too, and lose muscle as well as some fat.

As we now know, the keto diet can reverse these disappointments!

Research into fat loss and essential nutrients has shown us that certain fats are beneficial not only for our body’s processes but also for losing weight.

These fats combined with proteins such as in meat, which the keto diet emphasizes, can help you lose weight, build muscle, and strengthen your health. Two of the staples in the keto diet are meat and nuts. Let’s see how they work together to benefit you.

Why Meat and Nuts are Important

Think back to your scavenging ancestors. We were moderately good hunters for much of human existence, but most humans would be lucky to kill one animal a week. For the most part, we scavenged and gathered what we could to feed the population.

What was available in most places? Nuts, seeds, and some meats.

You can see the importance of nuts and seeds in your diet when you look at the caloric value and the essential nutrients they provide. Most nuts are very high in calories (more than 2x that of fruit, vegetables, meats, and another carb/protein sources). This means that they provide quite the punch of energy.

Building Muscle

Many strength experts agree that meat and nuts contribute directly to muscular performance and strength from our ancestors to modern times.

One Canadian strength expert named Charles Poliquin even created a diet called the Meat and Nuts Breakfast, where he emphasized the importance of both of these foods in your diet to grow stronger and leaner.

An important aspect to note is that Charles does not advocate for processed meats. He only recommends very lean red meats like venison, bison, and some beef, while the nuts are reserved to mostly cashews, pistachios, and some other popular nuts like walnuts.

In the keto diet, as well, meats and nuts are essential.

Not only do these nuts provide the calories you need, but they also contain many essential nutrients like zinc and magnesium – which both have ties to testosterone and growth hormone production.

If you’ve been struggling to find more strength from your diet, take a good look at how fresh, lean meats, in conjunction with various nuts, can positively affect your performance inside the gym – not to mention the increased energy you will get.

While meat will help provide the bulk of low-fat protein in your diet with various amino acids, the nuts will serve as a massive supply of fat and micronutrients – perfect for cell growth and regeneration of lost amino acid stores.

So, grab some nuts, eat some meat, and watch the muscle pack on!


  1. I don’t know much about the Keto diet so I appreciated this read. I’m actually doing Paleo right now. I’ve cut out all grains, sugar, and dairy from my already clean plant-based diet. So would you say the main difference between Keto and Paleo (besides going into ketosis on Keto) is that Paleo isn’t necessarily high-fat? It seems like the types of foods are the same, but the levels of macronutrients are different. I feel like it would be easy for me to switch over to Keto right now. All I’d have to do is eat more healthy fats, right? Do proponents of Keto still eat dairy?

    1. Hey, Nicole! Thank you for your comment and willingness to know more about these two diets. In my opinion, both diets have the same foundational principle but have different purposes. Therefore, the paleo diet is an eating plan that emphasizes whole foods and eliminates grains, legumes, and most processed foods to improve health. The diet also has a lifestyle component that focuses on wellness practices and exercise. The keto diet is an eating plan that focuses on controlling the macronutrient distribution of meals to shift the body’s dependence on carbs to fat for energy. The keto and paleo diets share many similar food restrictions and rules, though often for different reasons. I am sure it will be effortless for you to transition to ketogenic. However, I would suggest you take our short courseon the ketogenic diet, which will help you make informed decisions.

  2. Angela,

    What an interesting article!I heard about this type of diet a long time ago, but I didn’t know exactly what it was. I heard that it has many benefits in a wide variety of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s….

    I didn’t know about the keto flu and that you go through a period of sickness for a few days, although it makes sense. The body has to get used to a change in the way the metabolism works.

    How can this type of diet benefit a healthy person, apart from eliminating fat? Is it a diet suitable for vegans as well?

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Best regards,


    1. Hi, Martha! Thank you very much for your comment, especially for your interest in learning more about this revolutionary lifestyle. Indeed, its benefits, although they are still highly debated (mainly since we lived a long time believing that fats were our enemy), each time they swell the list. The ketogenic diet was very recommended for people with epilepsy due to the good results obtained in clinical studies. However, its positive impact has been demonstrated in uncomplicated diabetic patients (it plays an essential role in reversing this condition) and other chronic diseases, such as hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and cancer. I am passionate about talking about the ketogenic diet because since I decided on this lifestyle in my life, the transformation has been incredible, especially for my energy levels. Of course, this lifestyle applies to all people, and if they are healthy, they will be preventing or delaying the appearance of health conditions as they age. I suggest you check out our online course, which empowers you with the basic knowledge and skills to make informed decisions. Regarding the vegan ketogenic diet, though often associated with animal foods, you can adat the Keto way of eating to fit plant-based meal plans — including vegan diets.

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